Thank you for your partnership and continued support. As a theological college, we do not receive any government funding, which means your donation will play an essential role in training gospel driven leaders.
Make a tax-deductible donation
To make a tax deductible gift, please set up a regular direct debit using these details. Donations to A Future QTC Ltd Building Fund will be used to service and pay down the debt acquired during the Securing The Future campaign
Name: A Future QTC Ltd Building Fund
BSB: 064-001
Number: 12217995
Reference: <Surname & Initial (eg Smith, D)>
Because we are required to provide receipts for all tax deductible gifts, please also provide your details on the form below for the purposes of issuing a tax receipt.
Building the Future Donation Form
Make a non tax-deductible donation
If you do not require tax deductibility, please make a direct debit using these details.
Name: Queensland Theological College
BSB: 014-210
Number: 422059504
Reference: <Surname & Initial (eg Smith, D)>